South Dakota Theta Chapter
South Dakota State University
© 2014 South Dakota Theta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity

PO Box 271
Brookings, SD 57006
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Established 1971

Join the $1/Year Club for 2016

For the last 37 years, alumni have had the opportunity to partner with the chapter and alumni association in its Alumni Relations Program through their membership in the $1/Year Club (also called the $1/Year Alumni Association). At its peak, the $1/Year Club had nearly 300 members. And we want to return to those days.
For all alumni, especially those since 2000, here's how you become a partner: send in $1 for each year that you've been a graduate (a 2000 grad would pay $16 for 2016) and you will have done your share to help us keep the newsletters in print and on line on a regular basis, the Alumni Association Web page up and running, and help make sure that we get those invitations to Hobo Day and Founders' Day to you annually. Your donation will also help us to continue to utilize online options such as an e-newsletter, photo galleries along with our social media options of Facebook and Twitter.  While we don't want to over promise and under produce, we'd also like to get a printed directory out this year. With enough partnership, there are other ways to enhance alumni relations as well but we need to take care of business first. And, if you want to throw in a few extra dollars, that would be great. All gifts count toward the Levels of Giving Program.

We have made it very simple to join this year.  You have the option of downloading a reply form to return with your check or you can pay online by credit card using the donate button below. The online payment option is safe and secure.  If you need help click here to view a screen example of the donation page. While you're filling out the form, be sure to provide your email address--that will save us lots of money. We have over 400 email addresses in the data base--over half of our entire list. When the day comes that we have 80-90% of email addresses, we'll use $1/Year dues for scholarships and find other ways to assist the chapter.

Thank you in advance for your decision to become a partner in the renewal of the SD Theta Alumni Relations Program. The SAE house, like the Phoenix, rose from the ashes in the Greek Village at SDSU, we have an opportunity to do the same with Alumni Relations.

SD Theta Alumni Relations Committee

* Please note, contributions to the SD Theta $1/Year Alumni Association are not tax dedictuble.
1969: $47 1970: $46 1971: $45 1972: $44 1973: $43
1974: $42 1975: $41 1976: $40 1977: $39 1978: $38
1979: $37 1980: $36 1981: $35 1982: $34 1983: $33
1984: $32 1985: $31 1986: $30 1987: $29 1988: $28
1989: $27 1990: $26 1991: $25 1992: $24 1993: $23
1994: $22 1995: $21 1996: $20 1997: $19 1998: $18
1999: $17 2000: $16 2001: $15 2002: $14 2003: $13
2004: $12 2005: $11 2006: $10 2007: $9 2008: $8
2009: $7 2010: $6 2011: $5 2012: $4 2013 -$3
2014: $2 2015: $1      
$1/Year Club Dues for 2016